IBS Application for Esther 4:14
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
I heard this verse referenced in a teaching that I heard recently, and it stuck out to me. I wasn’t entirely sure why, but I decided to read through the story of Esther again until I found it. Within the context, I was convicted in reading it.
Here, Mordecai is telling Esther that she must move to try to save the Jewish people from slaughter at the hands of their enemies. He says this because if she doesn’t, as he says, she and her family will all die instead. But he also knows that their people will still be saved by God through some other means, even if she refuses to act.
What I found convicting about this is hearing that, essentially, God would still get what He wanted to get done complete with or without the obedience of Esther. Ultimately, Esther would have missed out on the opportunity to take part in the blessing that was being used by God to save her people. It almost matters less that she and her family would die than it does that she was presented an opportunity to be a blessing to her people that she could have refused.
This is convicting for me because I’ve been given some opportunities to act as God’s hands and feet here in Guatemala that I can choose to refuse. I’ve often wanted to refuse them, in fact. They’re not easy tasks, but they are the means by which I know that God wants to use to grow me in Him. They are all ministry-related, but I am not a necessary part of any of that ministry. He does not need to me to do the work He intends to do, but He wants to use me. I would miss out for not taking part in this blessing. In some cases I have missed out, because I haven’t always answered Him when He’s called me.
But seeing Esther’s obedience to the Lord’s will, and perhaps not solely out of the fear of death, but out of a willingness to obey God is inspiring to me. God used Esther to great effect in the task He set before her. I don’t know if God intends to use me in such a grand way, but I know He has given me responsibilities to my team and to the locals that we minister to here. I needed to be reminded that I have been placed here for this time in this place for the purposes that He has revealed to me here.
My application will be to attempt to walk in this truth by praying during my future devotions that God would help me stay faithful in these tasks He’s presented to me to do for Him, and that I would not falter in my faithfulness to the fulfillment of these tasks, always relying on Him for the strength and will to do these things for Him.
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