IBS Application for Philippians 3:8

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ...”

Paul learned loss and sacrifice for the sake of knowing Jesus. This was as crucial to his walk with Christ as it is to ours. Why? Because these things trip us up, distract us, and lead us away from Christ and what He has done for us.

The specifics of that “everything” that Paul talked about were his pedigree and his faithfulness to the Law. It was essentially all about the titles and power he had been born into and attained through his own works. But upon receiving the revelation of who Jesus is and what He had done in dying on the cross, Paul realized just how useless all of those things were to him; none of those things could save him from the judgement that he was due, because all of his works were infinitely lesser than those of Christ, whose life and work on the cross fulfilled the whole Law, which was the very set of rules that Paul had sought salvation in.

Works and worldly gain are loss in God’s economy. They cannot save. Only the grace of God through faith in Jesus can do that. Paul flat out states that in order to gain Christ and the grace that allows us to live, he had to throw away everything that he once clung to for identity, status and security.

This is something we as the Church all have to do. It’s all part of counting the cost of becoming a follower of Jesus. He saw no gain in the things of the world, for they are all loss compared to the glory of the Kingdom of God. Likewise, there is no lasting gain in the world, especially for the likes of us, whose lot in this life is death for all, for we have all sinned and have failed to meet the standard set by Christ.

My application for this IBS will be to start praying to God for the next few days that He would show me the things in my life that I still need to lay down for the sake of following Him. I know that there are still things in my life that have weighed me down in this race, so I need to start throwing them off in order to be the best follower I can be. I’ll also be praying for the strength and integrity I need to lose these things for His sake.


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